Thursday, June 18, 2009


Now a days I am suffering from a ' readers block'. Whenever I takes a book and sits down to read, I cannot consentrate. The mind is wavering . Hardly I could complete a paragraph. I know this could happen to writers but never knew readers too suffer from such ' blocks'. Perhaps I was reading too much - ie. too many books on too many variety of topics.
It started off early this year with H.G Wells ' Invisible Man' which read two times in one go. After that , I began reading a collection of H.G Wells short-stories ( which I have n't finished yet) . Subsequently I read or re-read some Sherlock Holmes mysteries such as Sign of Four, Study in Scarlett and The Case Book. Now I can say I have read atleast half of Sherlock Holmes mysteries twice. Continueing with 19-th century , then I picked up to my most favourite author Fyodor Dostoveysky's ' Idiot'. Infact I read this book 5/6 years ago but could n't finish it. Then a few weeks ago, I stumbled into an old second-hand copy of ' Gulliver's Travels' by Swift. Out of curiosity I began reading it too. So at one point of time, I was reading 4- different authors at different times of the day, if not week . Perhaps that was too much for the brain and resulted in a system-crash !
But it was n't all too bad to read them simultaneously . Infact it was an enriching and enlightning experience to read works of these masters. All were set in previous centuries also helped . And there is one thing in common in all four authors - Swift , Dostoyevsky, Conan Doyle & H.G Wells - though their styles may differ. All their stories deals with human beings at their most awkward
and unpleasant situations. All of them have a rather pessimistic view of humanity in general. Perhaps that's why they are all appealing to me.
Ever since my return from Jeddah two years ago and completing a computer-graphics/interior-designing course , I never had much time to read fiction . So when I finally got some spare time this summer, I made good use of it. Now it is take time-off from reading for a few weeks and enjoy outdoor activities. Esp. when the weather is so wonderfull - similar to that of a Sherlock Holmes story.

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