Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nazia Hassan

singer : Nazia Hassan
lyrics : Nazia Hassan/Zoheb Hassan
music : Biddu
album : lekin mera dil(1982)

Princess Nazia : An elegy of a fan

It's been 30-years since you came into our lives & mesmerised us with your voice (and looks).

It's been 10-years since you have departed - leaving us in grief & bereavement.

Like a shooting-star, you came - illuminating,enlightening & entertaining.

You have gone but your aura still remain with us.

Your golden voice still ring in our ears.

Your songs still brings us joy, sorrow, agony & ecstacy.

Now you reside in the Taj Mahal build in our hearts, minds & soul.

Your legacy we shall continue to impart to the future generations.

You are not only great singer, a great performer, a great star

You are a great human-being.

by DJ Synth-bach

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